Project Management

We are an integrated services company.

We focus on the adequate follow-up of each stage of the construction process of your executive project. In order to ensure the required quality standards, always with an efficient monitoring of the work program to achieve the objectives in the contracted time.

Construction process:

  • Tenders and contracts
  • Construction planning and organization
  • Administrative control
  • Construction supervision
  • Closing of work

“We are highly motivated and prepared to succeed.”

Bids and contracts

We make the correct selection of the contractors that will participate in the execution of the work, making sure that they comply with the required standards.

We can participate in the definition of the conceptual project (lay-out) as well as in the definition of the scope of work.

Once the project is awarded, we carry out the necessary legal formalities such as the construction contract and bonds.

Work planning and organization

In this fundamental stage we rely on tools and software to obtain the optimal and efficient strategy for planning the activities that are carried out in the realization of a project, establishing programs for the execution of activities, supervising the already established performance and monitoring the correct elaboration of the work progress.

We organize the actions to be carried out by the personnel so the work is performed with an efficient pace and cadence.

Administrative Control

We process the work estimates in a timely manner, integrate all legal documentation related to permits and licenses, and keep an adequate control of technical information such as the blueprint log and resources authorization log.

We carry out the necessary technical and administrative meetings to ensure an adequate follow-up and control of the technical information, safety and hygiene aspects, work progress, quality issues, financial progress and information in general. We also follow up on the required change orders.

Construction Supervision

We have the qualified personnel to carry out an adequate supervision of your project, we have architects and engineers in the civil, mechanical, electrical and special systems areas. With extensive experience in industrial works.

We adhere to supervision protocols with authorized check lists for each construction process.

We interact with material and soil mechanics labs, gas installation verification units, certifier organizations and other companies focused on quality control, by following the required protocols and standards.

Fundamental part

We are responsible for the integration of technical files for each specialty, as well as all elements of the project, including mechanical equipment, electrical installations and special deployments.

Work Closure

We carry out (or supervise) the elaboration of the punch list (pending items) with the purpose of identifying the elements that have not reached the satisfaction expectations.

We are in charge of verifying and ensuring the generation of documented evidence, including all deliveries until the last one.

We review and integrate the as-built blueprints with the technical information of the final state of the construction.

Technical Folders

In this folder we include all the technical, administrative and legal information of each project component, for example:

  • Operation Manuals

  • Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Manuals

  • Photos of the construction process

  • Blueprints

  • Supplier data

  • Finance reports

  • Guarantees

  • etc.
